Sandy Survivors Suffering. Letter to the Editor. 12-12-14

Sandy Survivors Suffering!

Letter to the Editor. 12-12-14

In this season of joy and good will, there are thousands of Survivors of SuperStorm Sandy peppered throughout your communities: who are suffering, cold, hungry, many living in gutted, moldy houses because Housing Programs ran out, with children, sick, disabled dying, waiting too long. Sandy Survivors are isolated on the fringes of a society in denial, glad it was not them who lost everything to the terrible flooding, sewage and slime on October 29, 2012.

Sandy Survivors have been drained, financially and emotionally, by failed U.S. Disaster Recovery systems ill-prepared for major disaster, discriminating against Sandy Victims because of abuses they claim Katrina victims committed.

Sandy Survivors are being tormented, forsaken, by inept Repair/Renovation Programs, like New York State’s failed NYRising Program: limping along, put out to bid almost two years into the disaster, reorganizing and floundering midstream. NYRising Victims working diligently to get home, are pummeled by inaction, delaying tactics, manipulation of facts, constant lost paperwork, unanswered communications, favoritism, and total abandonment of desperate homeowners. NYRising’s Program was hastily implemented, before it was designed, and is continually, erratically changing rules, increasing requirements, decreasing grants, back-sliding, to the extreme detriment of displaced homeowners.

I beg you, the public, to look into the eyes of your community, recognize your neighbor’s who lost everything through no fault of their own: reach out to them with kindness, support empathy and good will. There but for a few degrees on a map, goes YOU! ALL WE WANT TO DO IS GO HOME!
Hurricane Sandy Survivor.

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